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About Me

For me there is nothing more fulfilling than exploring the natural world and its wildlife from the rugged wilderness of Scotland and her Islands to the remote areas of Europe. From bogs to boats, photo hides and mountains I can be found with my Nikon Z8. With early starts and unpredictable weather, it can be a challenge to capture the perfect shot, but the results are often worth it. That's what I tell myself anyway!

I have been using my camera to document the outdoors for many years as a landscape artist using my 
photos as inspiration for my abstract work. When COVID and its nasty off shoots got me in the very early stage of the pandemic I found that I had completely lost all my creativity as a painter. So I stopped taking landscape shots and just got out into nature for natures sake. I have always had a passion for wildlife and while quietly walking around my area I started seeing the wildlife around me and used my camera to document what I saw. From that point I was hooked and I have never looked back, (or, picked up a paint brush).
I value the solitude that being a wildlife photographer brings and consider myself very fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to get out into nature as much as I do.

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